Sunday, November 1, 2015

Blogger Quick Tips: How to Make Your Picture Quality Better!

I've been trying to look for tips to know how to improve or to adjust my photo quality in blogspot. As I upload pictures where is taken from my iphone 6 plus, the photo quality will automatically be resized by blogspot and the quality is bad. I've been trying to look for a solution, and it seems that it can't be fixed in the setting. 

I gathered this tips from this blogger, this blogger has shared an incredible solution to fix this problem, but rather tiring. Because you have to amend the html code almost on every images. 

So here's the tips: 
1. Upload photos from your pictures folder, album or any sources.  
2. Select the "Extra Large" as the picture size. 
3. Then go into the HTML of the actual blog post, and look for this bit of code: 

Source: from 

Firstly, you'll need to look for the bit that says /s1600/ at the end of the first link and then /s640/ at the end of the second link. Delete the second bit that says 640 and replace it with 1600 so you have both links reading /s1600/

Although this problem seems simple at first glance, I would still think this is really painful to take extra hours to amend every single photos. I guess google just trying to save extra space or rather you need to subscribe for a bigger storage on cloud service in order to host better quality photo. 

I hope there's an automation code that would be able to change everything with just one click! Please make it Simple! 

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